Website requirements of search engines Website requirements of search engines - hello, I'm still here too

Meeting search engine website requirements is critical to being visible and competitive in today’s online landscape. Search engines such as Google have established clear criteria and standards for websites to ensure the quality of search results. These requirements cover aspects such as loading speed, mobile usability, content optimization and website security.

Relevant content

Website requirements are varied and consist of a number of elements and quality features in order for websites to be properly considered in search results. Search engines expect a website to provide high quality, relevant and unique content. The content should address users’ questions and needs and offer them added value.

Keywords and key terms

Websites should contain relevant keywords and key terms that are used by users when searching. These keywords should appear naturally and meaningfully in the text, without excessive keyword stuffing.

Good user experience

A user-friendly website with easy-to-understand navigation, fast loading time, mobile-friendly design and a clear page structure is preferred by search engines.

Clean code structure

Search engines prefer websites with clean HTML and CSS code that is easy to crawl and index. Errors in the code can hinder the search engine crawlers.

Internal linking

Sensible internal linking on the website helps search engines to understand the page structure and recognize the value of different pages.

External linking

High-quality backlinks from other trustworthy websites are an important signal for search engines to evaluate the authority and relevance of a website.


An XML sitemap helps search engine crawlers to find and index all pages of the website.


Meta tags such as title tags and meta descriptions should contain relevant information about the content of the page and be attractively designed.


A well-configured robots.txt file gives instructions to search engine crawlers as to which pages should not be indexed.

Social Signals

Social media presence and activities such as shares, likes and comments can also influence visibility in search results.

SSL encryption

A secure website with HTTPS encryption is preferred by search engines and can have a positive effect on the ranking.


Regularly updated content signals to search engines that the website is active and provides relevant information.

It is important to note that search engine algorithms are complex and constantly evolving. The exact criteria and weightings may vary, but the above factors are basic expectations that search engines have of a website in order to give it appropriate consideration in their search results.